Toyota 4 Runner/Hilux/Surf

1987-1998 of release

Repair and operation of the car

Toyota 4ranner
+ 1. Maintenance instruction
- 2. Maintenance
   2.1. Specifications
   2.2. Arrangement of knots and units
   + 2.3. Frequency of maintenance and types of scheduled works
   2.4. Intensive service
   + 2.5. Check of level of liquids
   2.6. Check of tires
   2.7. Check of level of liquid in automatic transmission
   2.8. Liquid level in system of a hydraulic actuator of steering
   2.9. Replacement of oil in the engine and an oil filter
   2.10. Care of the battery
   2.11. Check of the cooling system
   2.12. Check of a condition of the hoses located in a motor compartment
   2.13. Screen wiper brushes
   2.14. Shift of wheels
   2.15. Check of a suspension bracket of steering
   2.16. Lubricant of a running gear, suspension brackets, steering and details of a body
   2.17. Check of the exhaust system
   2.18. Check of level of oil in the manual transmission
   2.19. Check of level of oil in the transfer case
   2.20. Check of level of oil in a reducer
   2.21. Check of seat belts
   2.22. Check of covers of half shafts
   2.23. Zolotnik of ventilation of a case
   2.24. The filtering element of the air filter
   2.25. Belts of the drive of hinged units
   2.26. Check of fuel system
   2.27. Check of wear of brakes
   2.28. Check and adjustment of pedals of coupling (brake)
   2.29. Replacement of candles
   2.30. Check and adjustment of gaps in valves
   2.31. Replacement of the fuel filter
   2.32. High-voltage wires, runner and cover of the distributor
   2.33. Care of the cooling system
   2.34. Naves and bearings of forward wheels
   2.35. Replacement of liquid in automatic transmission and the filter
   + 2.36. Oil replacement
   2.37. Check of a tank with an absorber
   2.38. Valve check of system of recirculation
+ 3. Engines
+ 4. Systems of heating, ventilation
+ 5. Fuel and exhaust systems
+ 6. Transmissions
+ 7. Transmission elements
+ 8. Brake system
+ 9. Suspension bracket and steering
+ 10. Body
+ 11. Electric equipment
+ 12. Electrical circuitries

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2.32. High-voltage wires, runner and cover of the distributor



4-cylinder engines of release of 1998 and 6-cylinder engines of the cars "Toyotas 4 Runner/Hilux/Surf" are equipped LITTER – system of ignition with direct installation of coils on candles. In this system the distributor is absent. Features of service are described in subsection 11.3.

Characteristic defects of a cover of the distributor

1. Cracks on a wire conclusion

2. Cover cracks

3. Breakdown

4. Wear of a piece of coal

5. Erosion of electrodes

Places of check of the runner

Places of check of the runner are specified by shooters.

1. On 4-cylinder engines (2,7 l) high-voltage wires of spark plugs should be checked along with replacement of candles.
2. The simplest way of check consists in survey of wires on the working engine in the darkened garage. At detection of a luminescence (breakdown) of a wire replace. Check a condition of a cover and the runner of the distributor.
3. For check and cleaning of wires disconnect each wire separately for what turn a tip on 1/2 turns and give on yourself. On cars of late releases it is required to remove a slip on a cover of a head of cylinders. Disconnect a wire on a distributor cover. Check a condition of contacts of wires and sealants. Wipe wires. Strongly do not bend a wire as the conducting vein can break. At detection of cracks, traces of breakdown and a podgoraniye of a wire replace.
4. Check existence of corrosion on sockets of tips of wires and conclusions of candles. Check durability of demountable connection, having dressed a tip of a wire on a candle and having shaken it. At leaky connection draw in contact petals.
5. Rotating the jack handle clockwise, raise the car so that the wheel came off the earth. Completely unscrew bolts of fastening of a wheel and remove a wheel.
6. Unscrew screws of fastening and uncover the ignition distributor. Wipe a cover absolutely and check existence in and outside of a cover of cracks, traces of superficial breakdown (the thin charred paths), wear, a podgoraniye and weakening of contacts.